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11 Best Snapchat Ads To Inspire Your Strategy

Upbeat member

About author: Jack Evans brings his extensive experience in digital marketing to the table, specialising in paid social strategies that drive growth for e-commerce and DTC brands.

Snapchat advertising is a fantastic way for marketers to reach their target audience, increase brand awareness, and turbocharge their business growth.

But it can be difficult to know what makes for a successful Snapchat ad.

Is there a secret recipe behind wildly effective Snapchat assets? Or some kind of mathematical formula that guarantees high engagement and profitable conversions? 

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Sadly not. 

(And if there was, we’d share it with you. Promise.) 

But we’ve got the next best thing.

If you want to create powerful Snapchat ads that smash your paid social marketing goals, then it’s a good idea to learn from other successful advertisers on the platform. 

That’s why we’ve collected 11 of the best Snapchat ads that will inspire your marketing strategy and provide you with valuable insights for future campaigns. Shall we? 

11 high-performing Snapchat ad examples 

Below are 11 Snapchat ad examples that we admire as a Snapchat agency and have delivered outstanding results for brands from around the world. 

These ads have utilised a range of different ad formats, creative messages, and targeting tactics to generate exceptional returns. 

Although you might be operating in a different industry or trying to reach a different audience, you can still learn a huge amount from these Snapchat advertisers. 


SIKSILK, a sportswear company, wanted to advertise on Snapchat to try and connect with millennial and Gen Z shoppers across the UK.

To improve the efficiency of their Snapchat campaigns, SIKSILK utilised the Snap Pixel to identify red-hot prospects and high-value existing customers. 

The brand also uploaded its product catalog to Snapchat to target these Snap Pixel segments with Dynamic Ads. 

SIKSILK set up two distinctive product catalogs to target male and female shoppers and then used Dynamic Ads to retarget the individuals who were most likely to complete a purchase. 

(Source: snapchat.com) 

These ads are a great example of the power of clear product messaging and smart pixel data. 

The creative assets themselves are simple – they showcase the SIKSILK range in an eye-catching way and clearly provide basic product information about sizes and prices. 

There’s no clutter or excessive text here, which helps customers to easily understand what’s being offered. And since these crystal clear assets were powered by data-driven targeting, they presented customers with products they were most likely to be interested in. 

The result? SIKSILK improved its ROAS by up to 57% compared to other social advertising platforms and increased its average purchase value by 54%. 

2. DrSmile 

DrSmile utilised Snapchat ads to reach new customers at scale and encourage them to book a 3D dental scan. 

To deliver a more creative and engaging message, DrSmile used AR Lens technology throughout its campaign, combining both Face Lenses and World Lenses to facilitate a smooth customer journey. 

The creative asset worked in two parts. Firstly, Snapchatters would open the Face Lens, which highlighted the product benefits of DrSmile’s aligner. After 10 seconds, the World Lens automatically opened and directed users to their nearest DrSmile practice through location radius targeting.

This AR experience was then completed with a tap-to-book CTA button, designed to increase conversions. 

(Source: snapchat.com) 

This highly creative AR Lens execution, combined with a strong Call To Action, delivered tremendous results for DrSmile.

The brand achieved a 60% increase in bookings, as well as lowering its average CPA by 69%. Plus, by building pixel audiences and leveraging UGC from these AR Lenses, DrSmile also dramatically decreased its retargeting acquisition costs. 

AR technology can be extremely powerful for Snapchat advertisers, particularly if brands can find a way to showcase their product benefits through interactive experiences.

3. Lunar Way

Lunar Way (a mobile banking app developer) partnered with Snapchat to drive increased app installs and grow its customer base. 

To reach and convert new prospects, Lunar Way launched full screen Snap Ads – video ads that appear between Snapchat Stories or Discover content. 

A major selling point of Snap Ads is their swipe-up functionality, which allows users to swipe their phone screen to visit websites and app download screens. Lunar Way took full advantage of this swipe-up feature to try and increase direct app installs from its Snap Ad. 

(Source: snapchat.com) 

These Snap Ads were simple, but highly effective.

Using an influencer-style vertical video asset, Lunar Way focused on communicating a single product benefit (i.e. the ability to save money while spending abroad) and following this up with a clear CTA. 

Snapchat doesn’t offer a huge amount of time (or space) for complex creative messaging, which is why punchy and direct ads tend to drive superior performance. 

In this case, Lunar Way managed to deliver app installs that were 62% cheaper than its second-best paid channel. Snap Ads also accounted for 17% of all new sign-ups, which made Snapchat the best-performing marketing channel for Lunar Way. 

4. Lounge 

Apparel brand Lounge wanted to use Snapchat marketing to increase website visitors and online product sales.

The business used both Snap Ads and Story Ads to reach its target audience, and also leveraged the power of the Snap Pixel to identify warm prospects. 

More importantly, Lounge also enlisted the help of influencers to create ads that felt more organic and natural for the Snapchat platform. This simultaneously reduced production costs while increasing both view times and engagement rates. 

(Source: snapchat.com) 

Producing Snapchat ads that feel native to the platform is extremely important. 

Brands who copy and paste video assets from other channels often struggle to drive performance on Snapchat, because these ads can feel overly polished and jarring for users. 

The combination of influencer-style videos and smart Snap Pixel targeting enabled Lounge to deliver tremendous results on Snapchat. Snapchat drove around 40% of the brand’s total web traffic during the campaign period and achieved a 440% lower Cost Per Click. 

5. Adidas 

Adidas may not struggle with brand awareness, but in 2021 the business was still keen to improve its paid social marketing efficiency. 

That’s why the brand launched Dynamic Product Ads on Snapchat to increase online sales and boost ROAS. Adidas used Snap Pixel data for both prospecting and retargeting strategies, focusing on Pixel Purchase bidding to maximise conversions and reduce costs.

Adidas Falcon Shoes Snapchat ad

(Source: snapchat.com)

The creative approach was simple, showcasing Adidas products to relevant users with clear pricing info. 

However, in many cases, Snapchat ads don’t need to be complicated or overly quirky to deliver strong results – as proven by Adidas in this campaign.

The brand achieved a $4.43 incremental ROAS through Snapchat, meaning every $1 spent on advertising generated $4.43 of incremental revenue. This was also accompanied by a 7% incremental purchase lift, meaning Adidas sold more products more efficiently. 

With data-fuelled targeting tactics in place, you don’t have to create assets with insane production values. Just concentrate on the basics – target the right customers with eye-catching ads that show off your products, and the results will speak for themselves. 

6. BrüMate

BrüMate, a drink accessories manufacturer, used a range of different Snap Ads to maximize awareness and increase online sales. 

The brand focused heavily on smart bidding and data-driven targeting to try and smash its marketing goals. Goal-based bidding was balanced with consistent optimisations to drive completed purchases, and this strategy proved to be overwhelmingly successful. 

BrüMate also took full advantage of Dynamic Ads to ensure that engaging product ads were being served to relevant audience segments. 

Brumate sales driving snapchat ad

(Source: snapchat.com) 

This campaign once again proves the value of getting the basics right on Snapchat. 

Interesting product visuals, clear headlines, and compelling CTAs can work wonders for paid social advertisers. 

BrüMate achieved outstanding returns through Snapchat marketing, including a 10x increase in total ROAS, a 73% reduction of its average Cost Per Purchase, and a 16x Dynamic Ad ROAS. 

If you can find a way to reach engaged audiences with relevant product ads, you’ll quickly find yourself generating positive results. It’s as simple as that.

7. Blissy 

Blissy, a silk pillowcase manufacturer, discovered that Snapchat provided the brand with a valuable opportunity to engage and convert a younger demographic. 

After previously targeting older audiences, Blissy began to increase its investment in Snapchat advertising to reach younger shoppers. More importantly, the business also started placing UGC videos at the core of its marketing strategy. 

(Source: snapchat.com)

The power of User Generated Content should never be underestimated, particularly on social media platforms like Snapchat. 

UGC instantly adds credibility and trust to brand messaging, because the content is coming from real people. Trust is a critical part of digital marketing and can be the deciding factor between a new customer and a wasted impression. 

Blissy’s UGC ads are engaging, simple, and authentic, meaning potential customers are more likely to trust the testimonials and actively search for the products online. 

Plus, UGC ads require minimal effort to create, but deliver maximum results – and when it comes to paid social marketing, it doesn’t get much better than that. 

Blissy claims that Snapchat offers unbeatable cost-efficiency when it comes to reach and that these impressions often translate into online sales. This audience reach, paired with a UGC-focused creative approach, has paid off massively. 

8. Quaker Oats 

Quaker Oats wanted to use Snapchat marketing to promote its overnight oats product to a broad audience.

However, the business was keen to launch an ultra-creative campaign that would capture audience attention, encourage brand interaction, and stand out from other advertisers.

The answer? Snapchat Audience Filters.

Quaker Oats partnered with Snapchat to produce a set of unique Audience Filters that were targeted toward relevant Snap Lifestyle categories. 

Different filter ads and creatives were promoted at different times of the day. For example, a specific message was served in the morning (‘Morning Hustle Made Easy’) versus the evening (‘Meal Prepped and Ready’.) 

Quaker Oats Snapchat audience filters

(Source: snapchat.com)

There’s a lot to like about this Quaker Oats campaign.

For one thing, the use of Audience Filters is super inventive. As a product, overnight oats may not immediately lend themselves to creative executions, but Quaker Oats found a way to bring them to life through a clever filter. 

The brand also took advantage of day & night targeting to make its campaign contextually relevant – something that can make a huge difference to audience engagement. 

Quaker Oats achieved a whopping 11.4m earned impressions across the campaign, reaching a sizable audience and driving brand awareness through the Audience Filter. 

This ad proves that fun and original Snapchat creative executions can rapidly gather momentum and gain organic reach. 

9. Swiggy 

Swiggy (India’s largest food delivery platform) launched a Snapchat marketing campaign to increase monthly food orders, nurture customer loyalty, and reduce acquisition costs.

With a focus on driving efficiency, Swiggy tested various Snapchat ad types before identifying Snap Ads as one of the best-performing placements. Snap Ads were then used to run App Install campaigns, and the results were overwhelmingly positive. 

Swiggy also utilised a blend of Snap Pixel targeting (i.e. Lookalikes) and pre-defined audience segments to balance large-scale reach with efficient conversions. 

(Source: snapchat.com)

These Snap Ads from Swiggy tick all of the right boxes when it comes to Snapchat marketing. 

Firstly, the videos themselves are short and sweet. The key service messaging is delivered clearly and concisely, meaning users aren’t likely to lose interest. 

Secondly, the ad creative is bright and colourful, with a lot of motion involved. This is a surefire way to capture (and retain) the attention of Snapchat audiences. 

Finally, Swiggy only included the most fundamental messages in the video. There’s a headline, a promotion, a tasty-looking food image, and the brand logo – that’s all it takes.

This bold and simple creative approach paid off for the business, as the campaign delivered a 49% increase in first orders year-on-year, and 11k total new orders each month. 

10. Zinvo 

Zinvo, a watchmaking brand, used Snap Ads to advertise its signature ‘Blade’ watch to a new audience of potential buyers. 

The creative focus of the campaign was placed on the unique rotating dial of the Blade watch. The Top Snap showcased this dial for less than 5 seconds and provided users with a Web View attachment that enabled them to swipe up to visit the product landing page. 

(Source: snapchat.com) 

This is a fantastic example of how effective product-centric Snapchat ads can be. 

Putting your products at the centre of your Snapchat ads may sound obvious, but many brands can end up overloading their assets with excessive text or visuals. 

Zinvo showcased its most interesting product feature with confidence, allowing users to appreciate the quality of the watch from the very first frame of the ad. 

This created a smooth customer journey that led to a phenomenal sales performance – users were immediately introduced to the core product, and could instantly swipe up to purchase it. 

Zinvo secured an impressive 3.6x ROI through this Snap Ad campaign and generated a 10x increase in website traffic. 

11. Hershey’s 

Hershey’s partnered with Snapchat to bring its new brand proposition to life. The primary goals of the campaign were to increase brand awareness among a younger audience and drive high levels of engagement.

To make a bold statement with its Snapchat ad campaign, Hershey’s created bespoke AR Lenses and Audience Filters that were designed to generate mass engagement. 

These lenses and filters were promoted across the Snapchat app and were also accompanied by interactive Snapchat Story ads that encouraged users to ‘tap to unwrap’ a Reese’s product. 

(Source: snapchat.com) 

Hershey’s found the perfect way to create interactive moments while simultaneously promoting its brand image and products. The brand also made good use of a range of different Snapchat ad formats, from custom lenses to Story ads. 

The AR Lenses and Snapchat Filters were genuinely fun and interesting for audiences, which helped to drive high levels of engagement and organic sharing. 

Not every product will be suitable for large-scale executions, but if you have a strong idea for creative overlays, the results can be exceptional. Hershey’s drove a +29 point uplift in ad awareness through this activity, as well as delivering 1m earned impressions. 

7 tips and tricks to get the most out of your Snapchat ad strategy 

Now that we’ve shared some of the most innovative and creative Snapchat ads out there, it’s time to look at how you can launch your own wildly successful campaigns.

Below are 7 proven tips for running highly effective Snapchat ads. 

And if you’re keen to take your Snapchat ads strategy to the next level, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our paid social experts and explore our full range of marketing services. 

1. Create a seamless user journey 

A smooth and convenient customer journey is crucial for success on Snapchat. 

If users find themselves grappling with a confusing or disjointed customer experience, they’re unlikely to complete a new purchase – or even return to your website. 

To effectively move users through the sales funnel, make sure that you’re directing them to relevant landing pages. 

Snap Ads can be set up with different types of links to make this easier, including:

Web View Attachments – a link that sends users to a specific website landing page. 

App Install Attachments – a link that sends users to a specific app install page (e.g. App Store, Google Play) 

Deep Link Attachments – a link that sends existing users to a specific location in your app. 

Think carefully about your user journey, and the actions that you’d like customers to take! 

2. Don’t neglect your ad copy 

We’ve already established how important attention-grabbing ad visuals are on Snapchat – but it’s also vital that you pay close attention to your ad copy. 

While your video assets and product images will often spark initial interest in your ads, your ad copy can be the deal-breaker that encourages a user to commit to a purchase. 

Make sure that your headlines are short and snappy, and get to the point as quickly as possible. If you have a key sales message or an exciting promotion, highlight them ASAP.

The same rules also apply to your CTAs. Create a Call To Action that’s clear and persuasive so that customers understand exactly what to expect after a click. 

3. Select your ad formats strategically 

Different Snapchat ad formats can help you to achieve specific campaign objectives.

Be sure to explore each ad format in detail so that you understand how they can contribute to your marketing campaigns. 

Snapchat ad formats

For example, if you’re trying to drive online sales through Snapchat, then Dynamic Ads and Collection Ads are extremely powerful and efficient tools. 

However, if your main goal is to drive brand awareness or engagement, you may want to investigate single image or video ads that can encourage large-scale user interaction. 

It’s all about selecting the right ad format for the job, so think carefully about your core objectives and the best way to achieve them. 

4. Optimise your bidding tactics 

One of the most useful app features in the Snapchat Ads Manager is goal-based bidding.

With goal-based bidding, your ad spend is fully optimised towards your high-priority actions and objectives. The Snapchat algorithm will utilise your budget accordingly, and maximise the number of desired outcomes that your campaign achieves.

You can use the ads manager to optimise your ad spend towards various goals, including: 

  • Impressions
  • App Installs
  • Story Open
  • Pixel Purchase
  • Pixel Page View 
  • Pixel Add To Cart 

5. Harness the power of UGC

User Generated Content is a game-changer in the world of Snapchat advertising. 

UGC instantly adds authenticity and credibility to your Snapchat campaigns, which means that audiences are less likely to dismiss them as paid advertising. 

This type of content requires very little time, effort, and money to produce. All you need to do is find the right creators, gather the content, and incorporate it into your paid ads.

UGC can also take many different forms, including instructional videos and product reviews. 

If you can find a way to regularly incentivise and harvest UGC from your audience (i.e. social media competitions, direct messages, email campaigns) then you’ll be in a great position to crush your marketing goals. 

6. Take advantage of creative AR Lenses

AR Lenses are very popular among Snapchatters and can be used to deliver highly effective marketing campaigns. 

Augmented reality is particularly useful for Snapchat advertisers who are promoting physical products or services.

Through AR Lens executions, you can bring products to life, and allow consumers to visualise what they look like in reality. This enables advertisers to unlock the direct spending power of their target audience. 

Brands can even add specific ‘shoppable’ CTAs to AR Lenses, which helps to transform user interactions into catalog sales and app installs. 

Snapchat daily active users are also more likely to share engaging AR experiences with their friends and family, which can quickly increase the organic reach of your campaigns. 

7. Utilise smart A/B testing

Last, but certainly not least, is Snapchat A/B testing.

Consistent A/B testing is one of the best ways to improve your campaign performance, boost sales, and reduce your acquisition costs. 

You can test a wide range of different variables through the Snapchat ad manager, from ad formats to video assets and CTAs. All of these tests are guaranteed to provide you with valuable data and audience insights. 

The key to successful testing is to focus on your most important objective. 

Once you establish your primary KPI, it becomes much easier to identify the best-performing ad formats, target audiences, and creative messages. Be sure to run regular tests, analyse the results, and optimise your campaigns to make Snapchat ads work hard for your brand. 

Taking inspiration from successful Snapchat ads is a great way to improve your own campaign performance and drive sales. 

And one thing that all of these case studies have in common is following best practices for the Snapchat platform. 

If you launch creative ad campaigns that are tailored to the Snapchat app and its audience’s behaviours, you’ll be able to drive jaw-dropping results for your brand.



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